From Which Job Boards the Web Page Scraper Can Import Jobs?
JobPosting is the data that most job boards add into the HTML code, so search engine bots (including Google jobs bot) can identify that the page contains job information and is not a just plain HTML page. And web page jobs importer is also using the same data to get the job information from web page. Lucky for us most of the job boards have this data. ✅ Popular job boards and APopularHow to Set Up XML Importer?
XML importer helps automatically import jobs from XML feeds directly into your job board. It can be used to import jobs from other job boards, employers' applicant tracking systems (job wrapping), or from job advertising networks like Appcast. To create an importer, you just need to provide a link to the XML file that contains the jobs list and it will automatically import new jobs from the given link into your job board. Here are detailed steps on how toPopularWhy the Web Page Scraper Did Not Import Any Jobs?
If you configured your web scraper and after 24 hours you still do not see any jobs imported, there might be something wrong with the configuration of the scraper, or the provided job board is not supported by the scraper. Here are the most common cases that you can check against to make sure there is nothing wrong with the configuration. 1. Is the provided URL supported by the web importer? In order for web scraper to be able to scrape and import jobs from the provided job board URL, thPopularHow to Set Up a Web Page Scraper?
The Web Page Scraper is one of the most powerful tools that jBoard provides, allowing our customers to add job wrapping service to their job boards. Or just automate the process of adding new jobs to their job board and saving them a lot of time. To create an importer, you just need to provide a link to the web page that contains jobs list and it will automatically import new jobs from the given link into your job board. Here are detailed steps on how to cPopularSet Up Auto-Tagger Rules to Automatically Categorize and Tag Imported Jobs
When you are automatically aggregating jobs, they are being imported without category and tags. But having jobs categorized and tagged is important, it improves the user experience, by helping visitors easily filter jobs by categories and tags. And also creates additional category and tag pages that can be ranked by search engines and bring additional visitor traffic to your job board. But manually categorizing and tagging every imported job can be very time-consuming, and that's where auto-tagSome readersCommon Auto-Tagger Use Cases
Auto-tagger is a powerful tool that allows you to automatically enhance and update the properties of imported jobs. While it can be used in many different ways, here are the 4 most common use cases of it: Categorizing Imported Jobs Tagging Imported Jobs Skipping Irrelevant Jobs Marking Jobs As RemoteFew readersWhy XML Jobs Importer Did Not Import Any Jobs?
If you configured an XML importer and after 24 hours you still do not see any jobs imported, there might be something wrong with the configuration of the importer. Here are the most common cases that you can check against to make sure there is nothing wrong with the configuration. 1. Is the XML feed URL publicly accessible? In order for XML importer to import jobs, the pXML feed URL need to be publicly accessible and should not require any authentication. 2. Are the imported jobs paFew readers