How To Change the Content of the Emails?
To customize the content of the automated emails sent from your job board to job seekers and employers, navigate to the Job Board Settings page and click on Email Templates where you will find the list of all the emails. To make changes, click on the email template you want to edit: Now you will be able to edit the subject line and body content of the emails by chFew readersWhat Emails Does My Job Board Send to Employers?
Email automation is essential for job boards to keep employers informed and improve conversions; That’s why we have implemented the following list of automated emails for your job board to send to employers. List of emails sent to employers: Employer Registered: When an employer creates or claims their company profile, they will receive this welcome email confirming their registration. Employer Awaiting Confirmation: When employer moderation is enabled on your job board; ThisFew readersWhat Emails Does My Job Board Send to Job Seekers?
Email automation is crucial for job boards to engage job seekers and improve conversions; That’s why we have implemented the following list of automated emails for your job board to send to job seekers. List of emails sent to job seekers: New Jobs Alert (Daily): If a job seeker subscribes to the daily jobs alert, they will receive this email on a daily basis containing the latest job postings in the category they have subscribed to. New Jobs Alert (Weekly): If a job seeker suFew readersWhen Are Job Alerts Sent, and How I Can Change It?
By default, the automated daily (every day) and weekly (on Tuesdays) new job alerts are sent at 10:00 AM (GMT time zone) to job seekers who have matching jobs for their alerts. If you would like to change when your new job alerts are sent, you can navigate to the Job Board Settings page then click on General Localization and change the Sending time of email alerts to your preferred time in your time zone: ( readers