Articles on: Job Board Management

How to Moderate Job Seekers?

In this help guide, we’re going to walk you through the steps on configuring Professional Profiles Moderation

How to Enable Moderation for Job Seekers?

To enable job seeker moderation, navigate to Job Board Settings then Professional Profiles > Moderation and enable the following field:

From this section, you can also customize the message job seekers will see when their profile is awaiting moderation:

In addition to the above message, job seekers will receive an automated email notifying them of the moderation.

While awaiting approval, the job seeker’s profile will not be included in the resume database. However, you can choose if job seekers can apply to jobs or not:

Anyone Can Apply for a Job

If you want to allow anyone to apply for jobs regardless of their profile status, you can choose the following setting:

Only Approved Profiles Can Apply for a Job

If you want to ensure that all job applicants on your board are pre-screened or if you have a closed community of professionals and prefer to exclude outside applicants, you can choose to allow only approved profiles to apply for a job:

In this case, job seekers will not be able to apply for jobs until their account is approved:

Once approved, job seekers will receive an automated email notifying them of the approval and their profile will be included in the resume database for employers to see.

If rejected, an email will be sent notifying them of the rejection and their profile will remain excluded from the resume database.

How to Moderate Job Seekers?

To moderate newly registered job seekers, navigate to the Professional Profiles section in your dashboard and click on the name of the profile you want to moderate

And update the confirmation status:

If you want to moderate multiple profiles at once, you can select them and click on Actions in the top-right and update their confirmation status

Updated on: 09/10/2024

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