Articles on: Job Board Setup

How to Clean Up Inactive Jobs on Your Job Board?

Over time, expired or inactive job postings can take up space your job board. To stay within your job limit and make room for new listings, you can remove inactive/expired jobs in one of the following methods:

Auto-deleting Expired Aggregated Jobs

This applies only to jobs pulled by the Web Page Scrapers & XML Feed Importers, ensuring that jobs posted manually by employers on will not get deleted.

You can automate deleting expired jobs that were pulled by the aggregators by enabling the "Auto-delete tool" found in your Job Board Settings under Jobs > General

The auto-delete tool periodically runs every 6-12 hours and deletes the expired jobs.

Skip Importing Irrelevant Jobs

If you don’t want all the jobs from a web page or XML feed to be published on your job board, instead of importing everything under moderation and approving only the ones you need, you can do the following:

Set Up up Keyword Filters in the Aggregator

When setting up an aggregator, you can add keyword filters to import only jobs that match your specified criteria. For example, the keywords below ensure that only engineering jobs are imported from this aggregator.

Use Auto-Tagger To Skip Jobs

Similar to keyword filters in aggregators, if you are on the Advanced or Enterprise plan, you can set up a general auto-tagger that applies to all your aggregators and skips unwanted jobs:

Manually Delete Jobs

You can manually delete jobs from the Jobs section in your dashboard. Simply use the filters to display the jobs you want to remove, then delete them page by page.


What will happen when I exceed the job limit available on my plan?

If you exceed the job limit on your plan, you will be notified in your dashboard, and aggregators will no longer be able to process or import new jobs. You can increase your limit by purchasing an add-on of 10,000 jobs for an additional $10/month. To purchase the add-on, please contact our support team.

If the "Show Expired Jobs" is enabled, what will happen to the deleted expired jobs?

If "Show Expired Jobs" is enabled, deleting the expired jobs will redirect visitors to the static 404 page instead of the job details page of the expired job.

After deleting jobs, will their statistics be deleted?

When a job is deleted, its metrics (Job Views, Apply Clicks, Applications) will remain in your dashboard's overall statistics as well as in the employer's statistics.

Does deleting the job delete the employer as well?

No, when a job is deleted, the employer profile associated with that job will not be deleted.

Updated on: 12/03/2025

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