How To Add Google Analytics To Your Job Board?
This help guide will cover the step-by-step process you need to take to embed your Google Analytics code into your job board.
In order to embed your analytics code, you will need to copy the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) that Google provides that will look similar to this:

Once you copy the code provided by Google, head to your JBoard dashboard and navigate to the Job Board Settings page, then General > Custom Code and proceed with pasting the code in the <head> tag:

If you already have another code in the <head> tag, make sure to add the new code underneath the existing one in order to maintain the functionality of both codes.
After pasting the code, click on Update to save the changes!
To make sure that the code has successfully been added to your job board, navigate to your live website and right-click anywhere > click on View Page Source:

In the page source, click on CTRL+F (Command+F In Mac) to open the search tool, and type Google Analytics to find the title of your code:

The search tool will find and highlight the title:

If the code is exactly the same as the one you copied from Google, it means that it is successfully embedded on your job board.
The full code starts with <!-- Global site tag and ends with the last </script> under gtag(‘config’,...)
Step 1: Get Your Google Analytics Code
In order to embed your analytics code, you will need to copy the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) that Google provides that will look similar to this:

Step 2: Paste The Code Into Your JBoard Dashboard
Once you copy the code provided by Google, head to your JBoard dashboard and navigate to the Job Board Settings page, then General > Custom Code and proceed with pasting the code in the <head> tag:

If you already have another code in the <head> tag, make sure to add the new code underneath the existing one in order to maintain the functionality of both codes.
After pasting the code, click on Update to save the changes!
Step 3: Verify The Changes
To make sure that the code has successfully been added to your job board, navigate to your live website and right-click anywhere > click on View Page Source:

In the page source, click on CTRL+F (Command+F In Mac) to open the search tool, and type Google Analytics to find the title of your code:

The search tool will find and highlight the title:

If the code is exactly the same as the one you copied from Google, it means that it is successfully embedded on your job board.
The full code starts with <!-- Global site tag and ends with the last </script> under gtag(‘config’,...)
Updated on: 01/10/2024
Thank you!